Parent Forms

Parent forms allows you to create specific forms for interacting with parents. 

Add Parent Form

To add a parent form, click on "+Add" button on the left side of the page.

You can choose from previously created form types : 

  • Student Information / Confirm Form
  • Activity Consent Form
  • Second Language Preference Form
  • Document(s) Confirm Form
  • Photo Usage Consent Form
  • Healthcare Information Form
  • School Bus Information Form

When complete creating your form, click on Actions for further customization. 

Form Settings

You can set your form to run on which season and dates from the settings menu. 

Click Save when done and move on to form fields.

Form Fields

In form fields, like in Smart Forms, you can select which fields are going to be shown and asked for information.

Because this forms are specific to the parents, you can choose between which parents you would like to show fields to. 

SmartClass will understand from user type if it's a mother or father accessing to the form and customize it to your settings.

For further selections, you can expand the menus by clicking on the fields,

After completing click Save and continue. 

Subjective Information

You can customize your forms with subjective information due to change of persons in your schools. 

For example, when you select Health Information Form, SmartClass will automatically bring related subjects and fields to the form. 

This will change according to the form type you have chosen to begin with.

Assign Form to Parents

For assignin the created form to parents, click on Actions and Assign the Form to Parents.

Choose which classes parents you would like to assign the form and click Save. 

SmartClass will automatically inform the parents for the form. 

Users Who Don't Process

You can see which parents from your selected classes haven't participated in the form. 

Simply click on Actions and Users Who Don't Process to see the list. 

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